Sunday 14 September 2014

WINNER of the Ever After High Cedar Wood doll giveaway

Hi guys so it has reached that time! The announcing of the winner of my giveaway.

So you will know that a little while back I posted a review on the New Ever After High Cedar Wood Doll from Mattel. Along with the review I also gave people a chance of getting their hands on the doll too! And my did it have a lot of interested participants. In total there were 70 entries, but there can be only one winner.

Check out my video to see who won: Ever After High Cedar Wood doll Giveaway WINNER! 

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who took part and I am sorry I could only pick one of you! If I was rich I'd give you all one. In the near future I will be uploading more videos and more giveaways so keep an eye out because you could get another chance at winning some awesome stuff. I hope you enjoyed the competition!

For your interest the winner was selected at random by a random name picker on the web. Here is a link to it if you would like it:

Again thank you and remember to look out for more of my blogs and videos!

Best of luck, Fran :)

Saturday 6 September 2014

ALS ice bucket challenge

Wednesday 24th August I was happily watching people doing their ice bucket challenges, snuggled up in my blanket and feeling fantastic that none of my friends had nominated me.

But hey I spoke too soon, and was nominated by two of my friends within the space of 24 hours.

Now, I really dislike being on camera, so it wasn't the ice that was freaking me out it was the camera. However I overcame my fears, sort of, and went for it. My neighbours joined in too, we had Konner and my mum filling up the bucket of ice and then we had my brother and Kenzie carrying out the evil action of pouring the stuff on me.

And then it was all over, freezing and drenched I get up and run to my kitchen door, only to realise that I wasn't aloud in and so I had to stand and strip off there and then, with my mother holding up a towel.
I must admit it was fun, even though I didn't want to do it at first. It really wasn't that bad. 

I'm happy to be supporting the ALS association because it is something that affects a lot of people. I nor anyone else I know has got the disease and I personally didn't really know what it was. This Ice bucket challenge has given me an insight into what it is and how it affects people's daily lives. So even though a lot of people are criticising it and saying that it's pointless etc. I believe it has risen a lot of awareness, it has for me anyway, and probably for a large majority of those who have gotten involved in this challenge.

I have donated to the motor neuron disease association (the British one) and given a gift of £5  

If you would like to donate please follow this link:

To see my ice bucket challenge video follow this link:
The donation I made

Thursday 14 August 2014

NEW Ever After High Cedar Wood Rebel doll review + GIVEAWAY

Hi guys! 

So it’s the summer holidays! And I'm taking the clever guess that school’s out for the summer? Now this is usually the time that parents take their kids off on holiday, or have great family days out such as swimming or picnics in the park. But what are you going to do on a day where your parents are just too busy to entertain you? I don’t know maybe they have ironing to attend to, or they’re washing the dishes after you've all devoured your Sunday lunches. Well here’s a suggestion: Invest your pocket money on a new toy that could easily satisfy your boredom. And guess what? Today I am reviewing a NEW Ever After High Cedar Wood Rebel doll. Whoa well that was a mouthful!

So, have you heard of Mattel? If not fear not, I'm about to tell you who they are. Mattel are an American toy making company who have made products including the famous Barbie dolls, hot wheels and monster high dolls. Yep it’s that simple, I could go into the ins and outs but I’d probably lose your attention. So if you really want to know what date they were founded or other random facts like that then head over to Wikipedia.

Just quickly, Ever after high is the high school for the kids of famous fairy-tale characters such as Cinderella and sleeping beauty. The students, represented by this collection, are expected to grow up to follow in the footsteps of their ‘fairy-tale parents’. Now, there are two main groups of students in the school, and they are known as the royals and the rebels. Sort of like St Trinians the film if you have ever seen that. The royals are those who want to follow in their parent’s footsteps and then the rebels are the ones who believe they should be able to choose their own destiny. Now you can find out whether you are a royal or a rebel by going to and taking the ‘are you a royal or a rebel’ quiz. Also if you enrol on the website, which is free! You can access all sorts of material such as games, quizzes, polls, videos and more!
I do not own this image

I took the quiz and as my result I got Rebel! So I was sent a NEW student who has recently enrolled at ever after high. My student rebel doll is Cedar WoodTM and is the daughter of Pinocchio, a wooden puppet who dreamed of becoming a ‘real boy’, famous for his growing nose when he tells a fib. Cedar Wood has been cursed to always tell the truth and she would really like to be able to freely choose what she does and does not say.

This doll is recommended for ages 6 years plus due to there being a choking hazard, there are a fair amount of small parts that could be swallowed, such as her earrings, hair clip, bracelet and her hands. Yes, her hands. On the back of the packaging, is a small sort of interview with Cedar Wood consisting of 7 questions and answers. There is also the web address, pictures of three other dolls, and an introduction to the Ever after high story. I find the packaging rather appealing; it has a lot of colour on it, and also resembles a book, which is completely relevant as Ever After High is about fairy-tales.

The website address
The three other dolls + part of interview

The product is definitely well-packaged. The only issue I had is that I thought the stand it was telling me about, was the book packaging, but it isn't, the stand is actually inside the book. So if you’re looking for that, (Which I was) it is neatly hidden away behind the doll. As far as I can see it doesn't tell you this, but maybe I have just missed it.

Please watch this video for my review on the main features of the doll, such as her accessories, hair, movements, make-up, outfit etc. Plus close up photos of the doll. 

Overall I think this doll is quite good quality. I found her hair rather easy to brush, her limbs quite flexible and movements quite smooth. Her skirt seems quite strong and durable and can be taken on and off with just a Velcro fastening. The ‘assemble yourself’ stand, I found quite stable and held Cedar Wood firmly and discreetly. She has fantastic detail, her facial features, wood grain texture, wood carved accessories and patterned skirt all prove this point.

I believe that Cedar Wood will be a beautiful gift, toy and collector’s item, and from the overall outcome of my review,           I would certainly recommend her.

Start your journey now and enrol at or enter my GIVEAWAY*

RRP is £19.99 / $21.99 and can be bought from;

*To enter my giveaway:

T&C’s include:
  •     Open to UK (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales) only, due to postage costs
  •     Ask for your parent’s permission before entering
  •     Must be subscribed to my YouTube channel
  •     Must follow all steps to enter
  •     NB entries will be entered into a prize draw and winner will be          selected at random to ensure the giveaway is fair.
  •     Giveaway will close on 7th September 2014 entries on and after this date will not be counted.
  •     Winner will be announced the following week. Watch out for the announcing video!

      Peace out, Fran :)